1 Chronicles

Chapter 23

1 So when David1732 was old2204 and full7646 of days,3117 he made Solomon8010 his son1121 king4427 over5921 Israel.3478

2 And he gathered622 together all3605 the princes8269 of Israel,3478 with the priests3548 and the Levites.3881

3 Now the Levites3881 were numbered5608 from the age1121 of thirty7970 years8141 and upward:4605 and their number4557 by their polls,1538 man1397 by man,1397 was thirty7970 and eight8083 thousand.505

4 Of which,428 twenty6242 and four702 thousand505 were to set5329 forward5921 the work4399 of the house1004 of the LORD;3068 and six8337 thousand505 were officers7860 and judges:8199

5 Moreover four702 thousand505 were porters;7778 and four702 thousand505 praised1984 the LORD3068 with the instruments3627 which834 I made,6213 said David, to praise1984 therewith.

6 And David1732 divided2505 them into courses4256 among the sons1121 of Levi,3878 namely, Gershon,1647 Kohath,6955 and Merari.4847

7 Of the Gershonites1649 were, Laadan,3936 and Shimei.8096

8 The sons1121 of Laadan;3936 the chief7218 was Jehiel,3171 and Zetham,2241 and Joel,3100 three.7969

9 The sons1121 of Shimei;8096 Shelomith,8013 and Haziel,2381 and Haran,2039 three.7969 These428 were the chief7218 of the fathers1 of Laadan.3936

10 And the sons1121 of Shimei8096 were, Jahath,3189 Zina,2126 and Jeush,3266 and Beriah.1283 These428 four702 were the sons1121 of Shimei.8096

11 And Jahath3189 was the chief,7218 and Zizah2125 the second:8145 but Jeush3266 and Beriah1283 had not many7235 sons;1121 therefore they were in one259 reckoning,6486 according to their father's1 house.1004

12 The sons1121 of Kohath;6955 Amram,6019 Izhar,3324 Hebron,2275 and Uzziel,5816 four.702

13 The sons1121 of Amram;6019 Aaron175 and Moses:4872 and Aaron175 was separated,914 that he should sanctify6942 the most6944 holy6944 things, he and his sons1121 for ever,5769 to burn6999 incense6999 before6440 the LORD,3068 to minister8334 to him, and to bless1288 in his name8034 for ever.5769

14 Now concerning Moses4872 the man376 of God,430 his sons1121 were named7121 of the tribe7626 of Levi.3878

15 The sons1121 of Moses4872 were, Gershom,1648 and Eliezer.461

16 Of the sons1121 of Gershom,1648 Shebuel7619 was the chief.7218

17 And the sons1121 of Eliezer461 were, Rehabiah7345 the chief.7218 And Eliezer461 had1961 none3808 other312 sons;1121 but the sons1121 of Rehabiah7345 were very4605 many.7235

18 Of the sons1121 of Izhar;3324 Shelomith8019 the chief.7218

19 Of the sons1121 of Hebron;2275 Jeriah3404 the first,7218 Amariah568 the second,8145 Jahaziel3166 the third,7992 and Jekameam3360 the fourth.7243

20 Of the sons1121 of Uzziel;5816 Micah4318 the first 7218and Jesiah3449 the second.8145

21 The sons1121 of Merari;4847 Mahli,4249 and Mushi.4187 The sons1121 of Mahli;4249 Eleazar,499 and Kish.7027

22 And Eleazar499 died,4191 and had1961 no3808 sons,1121 but daughters:1323 and their brothers251 the sons1121 of Kish7027 took5375 them.

23 The sons1121 of Mushi;4187 Mahli,4249 and Eder,5740 and Jeremoth,3406 three.7969

24 These428 were the sons1121 of Levi3878 after the house1004 of their fathers;1 even the chief7218 of the fathers,1 as they were counted6485 by number4557 of names8034 by their polls,1538 that did6213 the work4399 for the service5656 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 from the age1121 of twenty6242 years8141 and upward.4605

25 For David1732 said,559 The LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 has given rest5117 to his people,5971 that they may dwell7931 in Jerusalem3389 for ever:5769

26 And also1571 to the Levites;3881 they shall no369 more carry5375 the tabernacle,4908 nor any3605 vessels3627 of it for the service5656 thereof.

27 For by the last314 words1697 of David1732 the Levites3881 were numbered4557 from twenty6242 years8141 old1121 and above:4605

28 Because3588 their office4612 was to wait3027 on the sons1121 of Aaron175 for the service5656 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 in the courts,2691 and in the chambers,3957 and in the purifying2893 of all3605 holy6944 things, and the work4639 of the service5656 of the house1004 of God;430

29 Both for the show bread,3899 4635 and for the fine flour5560 for meat offering,4503 and for the unleavened4682 cakes,7550 and for that which is baked in the pan,4227 and for that which is fried,7246 and for all3605 manner of measure4884 and size;4060

30 And to stand5975 every morning1242 to thank3034 and praise1984 the LORD,3068 and likewise3651 at even:6153

31 And to offer5927 all3605 burnt5930 sacrifices to the LORD3068 in the sabbaths,7676 in the new2320 moons,2320 and on the set4150 feasts,4150 by number,4557 according to the order4941 commanded to them, continually8548 before6440 the LORD:3068

32 And that they should keep8104 the charge4931 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 and the charge4931 of the holy6944 place, and the charge4931 of the sons1121 of Aaron175 their brothers,251 in the service5656 of the house1004 of the LORD.3068



1 大闢年邁、使子所羅門爲王、治以色列族、

2 召羣臣祭司利未人咸至。

3 利未人自三十歲以上者、則錄於册、計三萬八千人、

4 其中二萬四千掌建耶和華殿、六千督工師理民人、

5 四千爲閽者、四千用大闢所作樂器、頌讚耶和華。

6 大闢分利未人爲班列、卽革順、哥轄、米喇哩、

7 革順家有拉但、示每、

8 拉但生三子、孟耶葉、仲西担、季約耳、爲拉但族中最著者、示每生三子、示羅黑、哈泄、合蘭、

9 併於上節

10 又生四子、雅哈、西撒、耶是、庇哩亞。

11 雅哈爲長、西撒次之、耶是、庇哩亞生子不甚繁衍、故在册中、以爲一家。

12 哥轄生四子、暗蘭、以斯哈、希伯崙、烏泄。

13 暗蘭子亞倫、摩西、亞倫與其子區別於衆、以潔至聖之物、焚香於耶和華前、供其役事、龥其名而祝嘏、永世弗替。

14 上帝僕摩西之子、錄於利未支派中。

15 摩西生革順、以列撒。

16 革順衆子中、以示拔爲長、

17 以列撒惟一子哩哈比、哩哈比生衆子、

18 以斯哈衆子中、以示羅密爲長、

19 希伯崙子、首耶哩亞、次亞馬哩、三雅哈悉、四耶迦面。

20 烏泄子、首米迦、次耶西亞。

21 米喇哩子抹利、母示、抹利子以利亞撒、基士。

22 以利亞撒無子有女、其同宗基士之子娶之。

23 母示有三子、抹利、以得、耶哩末。

24 此皆利未族中最著者、其苗裔生齒、載諸册、自二十歲以上、始在耶和華殿、供其役事。

25 大闢曰以色列族之上帝耶和華賜民平康、恒居耶路撒冷。

26 利未人不復舁會幕、及所用器皿。

27 大闢將沒、使核利未人自二十歲以上者、

28 命侍亞倫子孫之側、以服其役、在耶和華殿、供其役事、亦在院與室、滌諸聖物、竣上帝殿之工、

29 理陳設之餅麵爲禮物、及無酵之餅、或以鼎煎熬、或以釜烹煮、亦理權量法度、

30 朝夕侍耶和華前、尊榮頌讚其名、

31 安息日、月朔、節期、獻燔祭、常例宜遵、物數有定、奉事耶和華、永世勿替、

32 司會幕、聖所、助其同宗亞倫子孫、供役事於耶和華殿。

1 Chronicles

Chapter 23



1 So when David1732 was old2204 and full7646 of days,3117 he made Solomon8010 his son1121 king4427 over5921 Israel.3478

1 大闢年邁、使子所羅門爲王、治以色列族、

2 And he gathered622 together all3605 the princes8269 of Israel,3478 with the priests3548 and the Levites.3881

2 召羣臣祭司利未人咸至。

3 Now the Levites3881 were numbered5608 from the age1121 of thirty7970 years8141 and upward:4605 and their number4557 by their polls,1538 man1397 by man,1397 was thirty7970 and eight8083 thousand.505

3 利未人自三十歲以上者、則錄於册、計三萬八千人、

4 Of which,428 twenty6242 and four702 thousand505 were to set5329 forward5921 the work4399 of the house1004 of the LORD;3068 and six8337 thousand505 were officers7860 and judges:8199

4 其中二萬四千掌建耶和華殿、六千督工師理民人、

5 Moreover four702 thousand505 were porters;7778 and four702 thousand505 praised1984 the LORD3068 with the instruments3627 which834 I made,6213 said David, to praise1984 therewith.

5 四千爲閽者、四千用大闢所作樂器、頌讚耶和華。

6 And David1732 divided2505 them into courses4256 among the sons1121 of Levi,3878 namely, Gershon,1647 Kohath,6955 and Merari.4847

6 大闢分利未人爲班列、卽革順、哥轄、米喇哩、

7 Of the Gershonites1649 were, Laadan,3936 and Shimei.8096

7 革順家有拉但、示每、

8 The sons1121 of Laadan;3936 the chief7218 was Jehiel,3171 and Zetham,2241 and Joel,3100 three.7969

8 拉但生三子、孟耶葉、仲西担、季約耳、爲拉但族中最著者、示每生三子、示羅黑、哈泄、合蘭、

9 The sons1121 of Shimei;8096 Shelomith,8013 and Haziel,2381 and Haran,2039 three.7969 These428 were the chief7218 of the fathers1 of Laadan.3936

9 併於上節

10 And the sons1121 of Shimei8096 were, Jahath,3189 Zina,2126 and Jeush,3266 and Beriah.1283 These428 four702 were the sons1121 of Shimei.8096

10 又生四子、雅哈、西撒、耶是、庇哩亞。

11 And Jahath3189 was the chief,7218 and Zizah2125 the second:8145 but Jeush3266 and Beriah1283 had not many7235 sons;1121 therefore they were in one259 reckoning,6486 according to their father's1 house.1004

11 雅哈爲長、西撒次之、耶是、庇哩亞生子不甚繁衍、故在册中、以爲一家。

12 The sons1121 of Kohath;6955 Amram,6019 Izhar,3324 Hebron,2275 and Uzziel,5816 four.702

12 哥轄生四子、暗蘭、以斯哈、希伯崙、烏泄。

13 The sons1121 of Amram;6019 Aaron175 and Moses:4872 and Aaron175 was separated,914 that he should sanctify6942 the most6944 holy6944 things, he and his sons1121 for ever,5769 to burn6999 incense6999 before6440 the LORD,3068 to minister8334 to him, and to bless1288 in his name8034 for ever.5769

13 暗蘭子亞倫、摩西、亞倫與其子區別於衆、以潔至聖之物、焚香於耶和華前、供其役事、龥其名而祝嘏、永世弗替。

14 Now concerning Moses4872 the man376 of God,430 his sons1121 were named7121 of the tribe7626 of Levi.3878

14 上帝僕摩西之子、錄於利未支派中。

15 The sons1121 of Moses4872 were, Gershom,1648 and Eliezer.461

15 摩西生革順、以列撒。

16 Of the sons1121 of Gershom,1648 Shebuel7619 was the chief.7218

16 革順衆子中、以示拔爲長、

17 And the sons1121 of Eliezer461 were, Rehabiah7345 the chief.7218 And Eliezer461 had1961 none3808 other312 sons;1121 but the sons1121 of Rehabiah7345 were very4605 many.7235

17 以列撒惟一子哩哈比、哩哈比生衆子、

18 Of the sons1121 of Izhar;3324 Shelomith8019 the chief.7218

18 以斯哈衆子中、以示羅密爲長、

19 Of the sons1121 of Hebron;2275 Jeriah3404 the first,7218 Amariah568 the second,8145 Jahaziel3166 the third,7992 and Jekameam3360 the fourth.7243

19 希伯崙子、首耶哩亞、次亞馬哩、三雅哈悉、四耶迦面。

20 Of the sons1121 of Uzziel;5816 Micah4318 the first 7218and Jesiah3449 the second.8145

20 烏泄子、首米迦、次耶西亞。

21 The sons1121 of Merari;4847 Mahli,4249 and Mushi.4187 The sons1121 of Mahli;4249 Eleazar,499 and Kish.7027

21 米喇哩子抹利、母示、抹利子以利亞撒、基士。

22 And Eleazar499 died,4191 and had1961 no3808 sons,1121 but daughters:1323 and their brothers251 the sons1121 of Kish7027 took5375 them.

22 以利亞撒無子有女、其同宗基士之子娶之。

23 The sons1121 of Mushi;4187 Mahli,4249 and Eder,5740 and Jeremoth,3406 three.7969

23 母示有三子、抹利、以得、耶哩末。

24 These428 were the sons1121 of Levi3878 after the house1004 of their fathers;1 even the chief7218 of the fathers,1 as they were counted6485 by number4557 of names8034 by their polls,1538 that did6213 the work4399 for the service5656 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 from the age1121 of twenty6242 years8141 and upward.4605

24 此皆利未族中最著者、其苗裔生齒、載諸册、自二十歲以上、始在耶和華殿、供其役事。

25 For David1732 said,559 The LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 has given rest5117 to his people,5971 that they may dwell7931 in Jerusalem3389 for ever:5769

25 大闢曰以色列族之上帝耶和華賜民平康、恒居耶路撒冷。

26 And also1571 to the Levites;3881 they shall no369 more carry5375 the tabernacle,4908 nor any3605 vessels3627 of it for the service5656 thereof.

26 利未人不復舁會幕、及所用器皿。

27 For by the last314 words1697 of David1732 the Levites3881 were numbered4557 from twenty6242 years8141 old1121 and above:4605

27 大闢將沒、使核利未人自二十歲以上者、

28 Because3588 their office4612 was to wait3027 on the sons1121 of Aaron175 for the service5656 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 in the courts,2691 and in the chambers,3957 and in the purifying2893 of all3605 holy6944 things, and the work4639 of the service5656 of the house1004 of God;430

28 命侍亞倫子孫之側、以服其役、在耶和華殿、供其役事、亦在院與室、滌諸聖物、竣上帝殿之工、

29 Both for the show bread,3899 4635 and for the fine flour5560 for meat offering,4503 and for the unleavened4682 cakes,7550 and for that which is baked in the pan,4227 and for that which is fried,7246 and for all3605 manner of measure4884 and size;4060

29 理陳設之餅麵爲禮物、及無酵之餅、或以鼎煎熬、或以釜烹煮、亦理權量法度、

30 And to stand5975 every morning1242 to thank3034 and praise1984 the LORD,3068 and likewise3651 at even:6153

30 朝夕侍耶和華前、尊榮頌讚其名、

31 And to offer5927 all3605 burnt5930 sacrifices to the LORD3068 in the sabbaths,7676 in the new2320 moons,2320 and on the set4150 feasts,4150 by number,4557 according to the order4941 commanded to them, continually8548 before6440 the LORD:3068

31 安息日、月朔、節期、獻燔祭、常例宜遵、物數有定、奉事耶和華、永世勿替、

32 And that they should keep8104 the charge4931 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 and the charge4931 of the holy6944 place, and the charge4931 of the sons1121 of Aaron175 their brothers,251 in the service5656 of the house1004 of the LORD.3068

32 司會幕、聖所、助其同宗亞倫子孫、供役事於耶和華殿。